And we will slaughter the rabbit. Life is beautiful. Life is good. We will slaughter the rabbit.

08/10/2016 - 10/10/2016 | 21:00
And we will slaughter the rabbit. Life is beautiful. Life is good. We will slaughter the rabbit.
And we will slaughter the rabbit. Life is beautiful. Life is good. We will slaughter the rabbit.
And we will slaughter the rabbit. Life is beautiful. Life is good. We will slaughter the rabbit.
And we will slaughter the rabbit. Life is beautiful. Life is good. We will slaughter the rabbit.
And we will slaughter the rabbit. Life is beautiful. Life is good. We will slaughter the rabbit.
And we will slaughter the rabbit. Life is beautiful. Life is good. We will slaughter the rabbit.
And we will slaughter the rabbit. Life is beautiful. Life is good. We will slaughter the rabbit.

Performance by Sophia Koroni and Angeliki Papathemeli

'I'd give all the wealth that years have piled,
the slow result of life's decay,
To be once more a little child
for one bright summer day.'
(L. Carroll)

Angeliki Papathemeli and Sophia Koroni set off from F. Nietzsche's question 'Regarding truth and lies in a non-moral sense', and go on a journey through V. Woolf's 'Waves', following L. Carroll's Alice 'Through the Looking Glass', towards a 'Wonderland' where anything could happen.

The two of them together embody a contemporary Alice and start playing an adult game in which they feel out the limits of multiple realities and dreams. On a quest with the fragmented self as their only companion and interlocutor, they enter Virginia Woolf's universe, where every experience had is reproduced in its only valid reality: the conscious flow, and becomes the poetry of life.

A treasure hunt for a world that takes on some meaning by losing it. For an identity that will only be revealed after you have stripped it away. For a seat at the winner's table, in the puzzle of the vast universe, in the confines of the time that has been allotted to us, under the merciless ticking of the clock. A charming journey through the labyrinth of the Ego.
In the end, through the performance – it was performed on the central stage of Bios TESLA in winter 2016 – Angeliki Papathemeli and Sophia Koroni speak in a way that some may find playful, but nonetheless moving, about loss. The loss of innocence, youth, and love, memory and even loved ones.

Project contributors
Texts: 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Through the Looking Glass' by Lewis Carroll, 'Waves' by Virginia Woolf (translated by Aris Berlis) and lyrics from 'The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock' by T. S. Elliott (translated by Spyros Karelas).
Text arranged, directed, performed by: Sophia Koroni, Horses in my Dreams group, Angeliki Papathemeli
Movement: Angeliki Stellatou
Music: Thanos Anestopoulos (Diafana Krina)
Set / Costume Design: George Lintzeris
Lighting: Giannis Drakoularakos
Audio environment: Anna Papaioannou
Video trailer: Giorgos Efthymiou

Ticket Price: 10€, 5€