by tg STAN
Harold Pinter wrote Betrayal in 1978. The play tells the story of a classic three-cornered relationship in which Emma has been cheating on her husband Robert for seven years by having an affair with his best friend Jerry.
Pinter uses an unusually dramatic structure: the play begins at the end and ends at the beginning. In order to explore themes like loyalty, insincerity and self-deception, he presents characters who are caught up in the untenability of an all-consuming passion, who struggle against the inevitable mediocrity of their daily lives, who want to live grandly in a world that is too small.
As if with a scalpel, he exposes the pride and longings, the lies and weaknesses of his characters, and, in that laconic and ruthless style at which he excels, succeeds both in glorifying and ridiculing love.
In this way Pinter elevates the prosaicness of human relations to poetry.
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