Inspired by a photography monograph by Vangelis Nikopoulos, titled “Grevena 1895 – 1975, eighty years of photographs”, choreographer Tzeni Argyriou decided to channel the photography world into the art of multimedia performance.
“Memoria Obscura” is an interplay between memory, light and shadow, photography and sound that uses performance as a means to explore the past in order to stress the dangers of today. Most crucially, it’s a performance about social and historic conscience, about personal and collective responsibility towards History, the History that has already happened and the History that shall happen in the future.
Direction – Choreography: Tzeni Argyriou
Performer: Epaminondas Damopoulos
Dramatization: Katerina Evangelakou
Scenery: Guy Stefanou
Lightning Design: Evgenios Tzafestas
3D Photography Processing: Nikos Makris
Musical Composition: Giannis Aggelakas, Nikos Veliotis, Coti K.
Sound Design: Aris Louziotis, Alexandros Sidiropoulos
Musical Monitoring: Maria Argyriou, Vaggelis Nikopoulos
Video Processing: Tzeni Argyriou, Thodoris Hliapas
Scene Direction: Antonis Nikiforos
Production and Communication Direction: Maria Argyriou
Production Execution: Antonis Nikiforos
Production: Vaggelis Nikopoulos &
Photographic Archive Collector: Vaggelis Nikopoulos
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